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Thursday, February 4, 2010

-S.S. H.W
-Study for Math Vocab test
-Study Link 5.11
-Study for My Side of the Mountain test


Cosette said...

hi peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
random story part 3!!!!
the pony with sparkly wings flew away and met ANOTHER sparkly pony!!!
random letters!!!!(and symbols:)!!!)
random greetings!
hi, elloha, guten tag, talofa lava,good day, hello, bonjur, konichiwa, ni hao,shalom!!!!
i want to write more but i dont know what to write about!!!
random words!!!
im trying to have the longest comment!
what to write!!!!!!!
oh, I LIKE PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and chocolate
and cookies
but i also like fruits!!
like grapes
and apples!!!
i have to go now! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
keep going keep going keep going keep going!
oh, did I say Hi!!!!!
random numbers!35734852438
random fun website for girls!!!!!!
what to write!!!!!
Oh, go to my blog at
should I stop????? NO WAY, JOSE!
keep on moving, keep writing!
random stuff!
gtg=got to go
ttyl=talk to you later
lol=laugh out loud
lma=leave me alone

BYE!!!!!!(FINALLY!!) gtg, ttyl!!!


Anonymous said...

mrs daudelin i got all of the homework and did it all my birthday is tom

Anonymous said...

hi I got cool valentine peace cards for everyone


P.S.-I had to spell dessarsu to publish this

Anonymous said...

kyrsten has half of me to thank for the hw seeee u alll tommorrow!!!!
ps listening to justin bieber
<3 gracie