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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Homework 9/30/09

Dear Students,

Here is today's homework:

-Vocabulary 3x each, define, use in a sentence
-Study Links 1.9
-Science homework due tomorrow

1. harbor- to give shelter or a place to hide
2. feeble- to lack strength,weak
3. intrusion- coming unasked or unwanted
4. doubtful- to be unsure or unfinished
5. circumstance- something special about an act or event

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Homework for Tuesday, September 29

Dear Students,

I hope your weekend was great! Here is today's homework.

-Vocabulary 3x each, Definitions, and sentences.
-Study links 1.9 page 22 (Ask a friend if you can borrow their Study Links page and copy the questions on loose leaf!!)

Here are today's vocabulary words:

1. turmoil-to be in a state of agitation or commotion
2. plantation-a large farm or estate
3. horrified-to be shocked very much
4. wardrobe-a room or closet for holding clothes
5. prowl-to secretly hunt or search for something

Friday, September 25, 2009

Weekend Homework 9/26-9/28

Dear Students,

-Remember to have your parent sign your vocabulary quiz.


-Fill out your reading log.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Daudelin

Thursday, September 24, 2009

To Katie and everyone who is reading this blog.

We are still organizing. We hope to be publishing information in the blog on a daily basis, Monday-Friday, within the next two weeks.

Thanks for your patience!

Mrs. Daudelin and Dr. Abrams

P.S. Remember, when you send a comment, sign your name and check "anonymous" in the box below the comment box.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Welcome to our 5th grade blog.
Stay tuned for daily homework updates!
Click on comment, and write a response. Click "anonymous" then post.