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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas


See you in January!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dear Students,
     Here's todays homework :

Holiday Packet

Merry Christmas to all!  

Monday, December 21, 2009

Today's Homework:

*Reading Log
*Study Links 4.6
*Pray for Mrs. Daudelin's father-in-law

Sneak Preview:
*Holiday Packet for tomorrows H.W.

**We are sorry for your loss Mrs. Daudelin

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Today's Homework:

. Reading Log
. Study Links 4.4
. Vocabulary

Vocabulary Words:
1. Pollen-a yellowish powder released from flowers
2. Rototiller-a tool used to make soil ready for planting
3. Jostle-shove, push or crowd against
4. Eyesore-something unpleasant to look at
5. Showplace-a place that is an outstanding example of it's kind

See you tomorrow   
Mrs. Daudelin 

Thursday, December 10, 2009


-Study Vocabulary
-S.L. 4.2

Riddle Answers:
2.They both weigh the same!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Today's Homework:

-Review Worksheet
-Reading Log

Fun Stuff:

Finish the sequence: A,S,D,F,G,H,_,_,_
Riddle: Which weighs more? A pound of gold or 16 ounces of silver?
Word Scramble: lesstaeolnist Hint: It's a math word!

Post your answers in the comments!

Real answers will be revealed on Monday!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December Picture

Today's Homework:

. Study Links 3.9
. Angle Measure of Polygons worksheet
. Vocabulary and Synonyms
. Finish Job Writing

Vocabulary Words:
1.spectacular-Making a great display.Amazing
2.wetsuit-A skin tight rubber suit worn by divers, surfers, sailors etc.
3.waterproof-Something that is able to prevent water from coming through
4.armor-A covering worn to protect your body that is usually made of metal
5.subjects-Something you are focused on

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


We need a cool picture for December...any ideas?
Today's Homework:

. Reading Log
. Study links 3.9
. Vocabulary 3x, definitions 1x, and sentences
. How many synonyms can you think of for your vocabulary words

Vocabulary Words:

1. Headquarters-a main office
2. Bugs-problems in a computer
3. Arcade-a game center where many video games are
4. Counselor-an adviser
5. Retirement Home-a group home for senior citizens

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

This Week's Homework: 
.Homework packet 
.Have a GREAT Thanksgiving and have an AMAZING 4 day weekend!!!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

vocabulary for Tuesday :)

fleet: a group of ships under one command

loyalty: faithful feeling or behavior

pelt: skin of a small fur animal

poacher: a person who hunts or fishes on another's land without any right

permit: a formal written order allowing someone to do something

Homework for 11/24/09

Today's Homework:

. Study Links 3.7

.Vocabulary 3 times, definition 1 time, then use the words in a sentence

Monday, November 23, 2009

Today's Homework:

.study links 3.6
.reading log
.book order due tomorrow!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sesame Street

I love the pictures you posted on the blog. I am really excited about our Sesame Street project. I think it will be interesting to see the results of the school wide survey.
Have a great weekend.

-Mrs. Daudelin
Today's Homework: . Study Links 3.5 . Reading Log . Scholastic News choose an article and write a summary that includes the main idea and supporting details!!! . Book order due Monday

Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Today's Homework:

. Study Links 3.4    7-11
. Study Links 3.5
. Reading Log due tomorrow

Have a great day!!!

-Mrs. Daudelin

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Todays Homework:

. Study multiplication facts for friday quiz

. Reading Log

Have a great day!!!

- Mrs. Daudelin

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Today's Homework:

. Reading Log

. Finish "Sesame Street" writing

. No math homework (if you did questions 7-11 check your work!!!!)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Todays H.W.:

. Math Boxes 3.4
. Study links 3.4
. Reading Log
. Eat and Sleep WELL for PART II of Social Studies test

Friday, November 13, 2009

Today's Homework is: .SS MC and CR pages 117-122 (reference pages 105-116)
. Reading log
.Eat healthy for the test on Monday!!!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Today's homework is:

.Math place value puzzle and multiplication problems on back
.Finish makeup homework for science and lab worksheet
.SS government multiple choice pages 147-151 and CRQ

Monday, November 9, 2009

Today's H.W.

Math SL 3.1
Geography mult choice and CRQ pgs 58-62 (use pgs 45-57 as reference)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Notes from Mrs. Daudelin

Hi Everyone!

The NYS Social Studies test is 11/16 and 11/17!
Make sure you complete your DBQ. Think about the different essays you looked at today with Mrs. Boyland. Remember what each essay looked like and how they were graded using the rubric. Think about the rubric when you are completing your essay.
Make sure your essay has an introduction, body and conclusion.
Use details from the documents to support what you write.
Check what you write to make sure that it makes sense.

Have a good weekend and I will see you on Monday!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Sorry our blog has not been up to date. We have been soooo busy, it's hard to find the time to enter the information:-(
Hope everyone finished writing their essay.
See you tomorrow
Mrs. Daudelin

Katie: Sorry I don't know the science pages. Can you look back on the blog and maybe find out?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Vocab Words

Happy Fall!
1.produce-things that are grown for eating

2.encourage-to increase one's hope or confidence

3.harvest-the gathering of crops that are ripe people living in the same place

5.variety-a number of different kinds

Today's Homework

-Study Link 2.9
-Complete page 8 of Scholastic news
-Rough Draft on Family Tradition

I will post the words at home!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Homework 10/26

Dear Students,

Here is today's homework:

-Math S.L 2.8
-Reading Log
-Sign Science Test
-S.S worksheet due TOMORROW

1.notorious-well known,usually for something bad
2.cargo-a load of goods carried by ship or plane
3.disable-to make unfit for use
4.navigate-to sail, manage (a ship or aircraft)
5.naturalist-a person who studies animals and plants

Friday, October 23, 2009

Dear Students, 

Here is today's homework:

-Reading Log
-Book Orders Due Monday
-Vocabulary Tests Signed
-S.S. Worksheet

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I am so happy that your Mom can join us for the trip! Tell her I believe we are leaving at 9:30a.m. It would be great if she can be at the school between 9:00 and 9:15. Tell her I said Thanks.

Vocabulary Words 10/21

1.merchandise-goods for sale
2.routine-a fixed regular way to do things
3.flatboat-a large boat with a flat bottom used especially to carry goods on a river or canal
4.settler-a person who settles in a new place
5.industry-any branch of buisness or trade

Homework 10/21

Dear Students,

Here is today's homework:

-Reading Log
-S.S Erie Canal questions
-S.S worksheet
-Study link 2.7
-Study for science test
-Trip tomorrow-BRING BAG LUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, I didn't have time to add the words!
I will add another post at home.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Homework 10/20

Dear Students,

Here is today's homework:

-Study Links 2.6
-Reading Log
-Study for Science test
-S.S 4 Erie Canal questions

1.unimaginable- something you imagine or think of
2.domination-to have control or rule
3.merchant-a person who buys and sells products to make money
4.route- the way one will get to somewhere
5.obtain- to get something through effort

Monday, October 19, 2009

Homework 10/18

Dear Students,

Here is today's homework:

-Using Renzulli, create 3 or 4 questions about the Erie Canal due Thursday
-Math Boxes p46
-Reading Log
-Tests signed
-Study for Science Test

1.negotiate- to talk over and agree
2.explore- to travel somewhere unknown, to discover something new
3.immence-very large,vast
4.expedition-a journey for a special purpose
5.mission- to be sent on special work

Friday, October 16, 2009

Please let me know if any parents want to join us for the trip on Thursday.

Homework 10/16

Dear Students,

Here is today's Homework:

Reading Log
Finish Freedom Crossing
Study Links 2.5
Core Worksheet
S.S. p20 #1,3,4

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Homework 10/15

3X, define and use in a sentence

Math Boxes 2:5

Reading Log

Biography Poster Due TOMORROW!!!

Study for vocab and a division quiz

Confide: To tell a secret

Parlor: a room for receiving or entertaining guests

Descend: to go down or come down

illuminate: to light up or make bright

shallow: not deep

See you guys tomorrow. Sorry the post is so late! (oops)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I hope everyone is working on their biography poster. I can't wait to see your work and listen to your presentations!!!!
See you tomorrow:-)

Homework 10/14

Dear Students,

Here is today's homework:

-Math elements p15,16
-S.S Biography posters
-S.S worksheet due Tuesday
-Reading log

1. watchful: to watch carefully, to be on the lookout.
2. prodded: to stir someone or something up.
3. spiteful: to behave with ill will, to annoy
4. abandon: to leave without planning to return; desert
5. Halt: to stop

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dear Students,

Here is today's homework:

-Study link 2.4
-Reading log
-Core Worksheet

Today's words are on the post from Thursday.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Homework 10/9/09

Dear Students,

Here is today's homework:

-Reading log
-Vocabulary Quiz Signed

Have a nice weekend!

          Mrs. Daudelin 

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Homework 10/8

Dear Students,

Here is today's homework:

-Math Study link 2.3

1. imposing- something impressive because of size
2. jeer- to make fun of in a mean way
3. foliage- leaves on a plant or tree
4. folly-a foolish act or idea
5. insolent- to show a lack of respect

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Homework 10/7

Dear Students,

Here is today's homework:

-Math boxes 2.2
-Science Homework due p21 #1-6
-S.S biography due Tues 10/13

1.fidget- to move about restlessly
2.bonnet-covering for the head
3.promptly-done at once without delay
4.avert- to turn away
5.malice- active ill will, mean

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Homework 10/6/09

Dear Students,

Here is todays Homework:

-Reading log
-Study Link 2.2

Today's words:

1. torture- to cause very severe pain
2. carriage- a type of vehicle  that moves on wheels, often pulled by horses
3. gossip- to repeat what one knows or hears about others
4. thrust- to push with force
5. grin- smile broadly

Monday, October 5, 2009

Homework for Monday October 5, 2009

Make sure you fill out your reading log

Math- Home link 1:10 Parent letter
Math Boxes 1:10 (Math Journal)

3x, define and use in a sentence

eager: To desire something very much; impatient

dismay: Unable to act because of fear, surprise or confusion

quarrel: an angry difference of opinion; to argue

abolitionist: a person opposed to slavery

inquire: to ask about; to make an investigation

sorry the post was late. We had on-line issues at school. Hope everyone has a nice evening. See you tomorrow :-)

-Mrs. Daudelin

Friday, October 2, 2009

Homework 10/2/09

Dear Students,

Here is today's Homework:

-Reading Log
-Vocabulary tests signed
-Social Studies: Have the dates of the birth and death of your assigned person. Also, answer this question: "What field was your person in?" (examples: politician, abolitionist,etc.) 
To Morgan and Brandon: Since you were not here, you don't know who you were assigned, so here is the person that you were assigned. Morgan: William Penn, Brandon: Alexander Hamilton
-Science page 21 #1-6 and the Writing Link

Have a GREAT weekend! :)

          Mrs. Daudelin              

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Homework for Thursday, October 1

Dear Students,

Here is today's homework:

-Elements pages 11,12
-Study:Vocabulary, Math Unit 1

1. waylay- to stop (a person from going somewhere)
2. ruthless- having no pity or showing no mercy
3. refuge- shelter or protection from danger
4. enthusiastic- to act interested and excited
5. self-conscious- made aware of how one appears to others embarrassed

Mrs. Daudelin

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Homework 9/30/09

Dear Students,

Here is today's homework:

-Vocabulary 3x each, define, use in a sentence
-Study Links 1.9
-Science homework due tomorrow

1. harbor- to give shelter or a place to hide
2. feeble- to lack strength,weak
3. intrusion- coming unasked or unwanted
4. doubtful- to be unsure or unfinished
5. circumstance- something special about an act or event

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Homework for Tuesday, September 29

Dear Students,

I hope your weekend was great! Here is today's homework.

-Vocabulary 3x each, Definitions, and sentences.
-Study links 1.9 page 22 (Ask a friend if you can borrow their Study Links page and copy the questions on loose leaf!!)

Here are today's vocabulary words:

1. turmoil-to be in a state of agitation or commotion
2. plantation-a large farm or estate
3. horrified-to be shocked very much
4. wardrobe-a room or closet for holding clothes
5. prowl-to secretly hunt or search for something

Friday, September 25, 2009

Weekend Homework 9/26-9/28

Dear Students,

-Remember to have your parent sign your vocabulary quiz.


-Fill out your reading log.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Daudelin

Thursday, September 24, 2009

To Katie and everyone who is reading this blog.

We are still organizing. We hope to be publishing information in the blog on a daily basis, Monday-Friday, within the next two weeks.

Thanks for your patience!

Mrs. Daudelin and Dr. Abrams

P.S. Remember, when you send a comment, sign your name and check "anonymous" in the box below the comment box.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Welcome to our 5th grade blog.
Stay tuned for daily homework updates!
Click on comment, and write a response. Click "anonymous" then post.